L6: Ways of reducing the use of resources

Question 1

State 3 main ways of reducing the use of resources. [3 marks].

Question 2

Give 2 examples of household products that can be recycled. [2 marks].

Question 3

Give one example of a product that can be reused. [2 marks].

Question 4

Why is it important to reduce mining and quarrying? [1 mark].                                                             

Question 5

Describe 2 environmental impacts that quarries has on local residents. [2 marks].

Question 6

Explain why it is important to recycle metals. [4 marks].

Question 7

Suggest why it is generally a good idea to reuse and recycle. [4 marks].

Question 8

Justify why 41% of copper is recycled.


Keywords / terms

Recycling, limited resources, reduction of use , reuse of resources.

Learning objectives:

To understand and evaluate ways of reducing the use of limited resources.

of reducing the use of limited resources.

Students’ target / Outcomes:

Describe ways of recycling and reusing materials.

Explain why recycling, reusing and reducing are needed.

Explain why metals and glass are separated for recycling.

Evaluate ways of reducing the use of limited resources.

Why recycle / reuse?

Key areas

  • Resources are limited / finite;
  • Energy consumption and the use of fuels;
  • The impact of manufacturing new materials on the environment;
  • The impact of waste disposal on the environment.

Ways of recycling materials.

Metals: Separate, melt and finally recast into new products.

Glass: Separate (into different colours), crushed, melted, and finally remoulded into new products.

Plastic: Separate (into different types), melt, and finally remould into new products.

Scrap steel, depending on the final use, can be added to iron in a blast furnace. This reduces the quantity of raw material, iron ore, needed to be mined and made into steel.

Why separate before recycling?

High quality of final product. Example, metals used for making tools so as to possess the required properties.

Generally, the better the separation during recycling, the higher the quality of the final product.

Plastics are separated into their various types. This include PET, high density poly(ethene) HDPE, LDPE, Poly(propene) PP and polystyrene, PS.

For other products such plastic rulers, pens and some toys, the quality of the material is insignificant.

Suggested pointers

Question 1

Reduce, reuse and recycle.

Question 2

Recycled: aluminium can, plastic bottles, paper / newspapers / magazines.

Question 3

Reused: Glass bottle, denim.

Question 4 / 5

Destruction to plant and animal life;

Quarrying may result in more traffic and noise;

Dust from quarrying will cause air pollution;

Visual impact on local environment.

Question 6

Produced from finite resource [1];

Extraction of raw materials such as metal ore has negative impact on environment [1]; Example, a lot of energy is needed for extraction; energy may come from finite resources which may produce greenhouse gases leading to global warming

Recycling / reuse conserves the earth’s resources [1];

Has less environmental impact if recycled [1].

Question 7

To reduce the use of limited resources (1), energy consumption (1), waste production (1) and environmental impact (1).

Question 8

Refer to summary notes on this page / clue from question 7 suggested mark scheme.