Chemical Changes – Redox Reactions and Half Equations.

Redox: Reduction and oxidation happening during a reaction.


Oxidation Is Loss of electrons

Reduction Is Gain of electrons.

Key ideas

  1. Half equations are written to represent oxidation and reduction separately.
  2. Half equations tells us what happens to the electrons in chemical reactions during which atoms or ions are gaining or losing electrons.
  3. We refer to these equations as half equations because they represent only half of what is taking place during a reaction: transfer of electrons – gain (reduction) and loss (oxidation) of electrons
  4. Ionic equations shows what happens to ions during chemical reactions.

4. Ions are balanced using electrons.

5. When we combine half equations, we form the ionic equation.

6. Ions which are present, but do not take part in chemical reactions are called spectator ions.


Displacement reaction between aluminium and iron (III) oxide

 2Al   + Fe2O3        Al2O3  +  2Fe

In this reaction, aluminium is oxidised to form aluminium oxide.

Iron (III) oxide is reduced to form iron.

Oxidation and reduction equations separately (half equations).


Al  →  Al3+ [Oxidation – Loss of electrons]


Fe3+ →  Fe [Reduction – Gain of electrons]

Balancing the ions in half equations

Balance the positive ions using electrons.

The number of electrons used to balance the equation equals the magnitude of the positive ion.

Al  →  Al3+ + 3e      [Oxidation – Loss of electrons]

Fe3+  + 3e  →  Fe    [Reduction – Gain of electrons]

Writing the ionic equation.

Al + Fe3++ 3eAl3+ + Fe + 3e

Overall ionic equation is:

Al + Fe3+  Al3+ + Fe

Retrieval Practice

Displacement of copper from copper sulfate by zinc is shown below:

      Zinc + copper sulfate   →    zinc sulfate + copper

       Zn + CuSO4    →  ZnSO4 + Cu

Write down:

(a) the two half equations

(b) overall ionic equation

for this displacement reaction.

Mark scheme

(a) Half Equations

 Cu2+ + 2e   →  Cu

 Zn   → Zn2+ + 2e

b) Overall ionic equation

Zn + Cu2+→ Zn2+ + Cu